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     Calcium stearate 

    Calcium stearate

    Special grade Calcium stearate Professional sales of Calcium stearate Wholesale of Calcium stearate Calcium stearate Shandong general agency  Factory outlets Calcium stearate

    Industrial grade Domestic 10kg/bag

    Calcium stearate is uniform fine white powder. Melting point 175οC, density 1.035g/cm3. Soluble in toluene, ethanol, benzene and other organic solvents, insoluble in water. Slowly decompose when heated to 400οC, combustible. Decompose to stearic acid and corresponding calcium salt with strong acid. Absorbent, non-toxic.
    Use: Used as PVC heat stabilizer and the lubricant and molding release agent of various plastics processing. It can improve gelation speed in rigid products and can also be used in food packaging and medical devices. Used as the halogen absorber of polyethylene and polypropylene to eliminate the adverse effect of residual catalyst on the color and stability. As plasticizer in rubber processing, polyolefin fiber and molding compound lubricant, lubricating grease thickening agent, textile waterproofing agent, paint flatting agent, plastic record plasticizer, etc. It is also used in pencil lead manufacture, medicine and fragrance industry.

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