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    Analytical grade ammonium hydroxide   Shandong Ammonium hydroxide Ammonium hydroxide production and sales Wholesale of Ammonium hydroxide Factory outlets Ammonium hydroxide

    Analytical grade Shandong 200kg/drum
    Product name: Ammonium hydroxide
    Alias: Ammonia water, aqueous ammonia
    Molecular formula: NH3·H2O
    Molecular weight: 35.045
    CAS No.: 1336-21-6
    Appearance and properties: Colorless the transparent liquid with a strong pungent odor.  
    Relative density (water=1): 0.91     
    Saturated vapor pressure (kPa): 1.59(20οC)   
    Upper explosive limit% (V/V): 25.0   
    Lower explosive limit% (V/V): 16.0   
    Solubility: Soluble in water and alcohol.
      In military, used as an alkaline disinfectant for the disinfection of sarin toxic. The commonly used is 10% diluted ammonium hydroxide (density 0.960). The used concentration in winter is 20%.
      Used in the production of various iron salts in inorganic industry.
      In wool spinning, silk, printing and dyeing industry, used in the washing of wool, woolen cloth and gray cloth, dissolution and pH adjustment, and as dyeing auxiliary, etc.
      In organic industry, used as aminating agent and the catalyst for the production of thermosetting phenolic resin.
      In pharmaceutical, use diluted ammonium hydroxide in reflex stimulation in respiration and circulation to heal faint and swoon. Also used as skin irritation drug and disinfectant.
      Also used as detergent, neutralizer, alkaloid leaching agent, and in pharmaceutical industry, mantle industry and blueprint, etc.

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