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     Ammonium persulfate 

    Ammonium persulfate

    Factory outlets Ammonium persulfate  4300/ton Ammonium persulfate 98.5% Ammonium persulfate Large scale sales of Ammonium persulfate Shandong Jinan Ammonium persulfate 

    98.5% Domestic 25kg/bag 5300
    Melting point (οC): 120(Decomposition)   
    Boiling point (οC): Decomposition   
    Relative density (water=1): 1.982   
    Relative vapor density (air=1): 7.9
    Product name: Ammonium persulfate
    Alias: Ammonium peroxydisulfate; Ammonium persulfate Ammonium peroxodisulfate; Ammonium peroxodisulfate
    Technical Specification Code: 542
    CAS No.: 7727-54-0
    Use: Ammonium persulfate is widely used in storage battery industry as oxidant and bleaching agent. It is also used as polymerization initiator, desizing agent in fiber industry. Can be used as surface treatment agent of metal and semiconductor, etchant of printed circuit. Also widely used in reservoir fracturing in petroleum exploitation, flour and starch processing industry, oil industry, and to remove hyperion in photographic industry.

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