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    99%min.Phosphorus TRICHLORIDE Packed in 200kgs steel dry drum or shipped in ISO tankPacked in 200kgs steel dry drum or shipped in ISO tank. Packed in 200kgs steel dry drum or shipped in ISO tank. Packed in 200kgs steel dry drum or shipped in ISO tank.Packed in 200kgs steel dry drum or shipped in ISO tank. 

    Molecular Formula: PCL3
    Molecular Weight: 137.3
    CAS Number: 7719-12-2
    It is colorless transparent smoking liquid. The relative density is 1.574; melting
    point -112℃; boiling point 75.5℃. Dissolving in ethyl ether, benzene, carbon
    disulfide and carbon tetrachloride. Smoking with strong irritant smell in humid
    air. Decomposing harshly and giving out hydrochloride gas as meeting water. It
    is strong poison and corrosiveness.
    Packed in 200kgs steel dry drum or shipped in ISO tank

    Appearance Colorless transparent liquid
    Content ≧ 99%
    Free Phosphorous ≦ 0.002
    Boiling range(74.5-77.5℃ v/v) ≧ 96.0%
    Package and Storage:
    Packed in 200kgs steel dry drum or shipped in ISO tank.
    Marked clearly signs with“poisonous products” and “irritant products” on the
    Mainly used as materials to produce organic pesticides like trichlorfon
    (dipterex), methamidophos, acephate, EBP (Kitazine) etc. In pharmaceuticals
    industry, it is used to produce sulfapyridine and the five armour oxygen
    pyrimidine sulfonamides. In dye chemistry it is used as condensation agent for
    color phenols.

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