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    58%-62% HEDP 

    Molecular formula: C2H8O7P2
    Molecular weight: 206.03

    CAS NO.:2809-21-4

    HEDP is an organophosphorus acid corrosion inhibitor. It can chelate Fe, Cu, and Zn ions to
    form stable chelating compounds. It can dissolve the oxidized materials on these metals'
    surfaces. HEDP shows excellent scale and corrosion inhibition effects under temperature 250
    ℃. HEDP has good chemical stability under high PH value, hard to be hydrolyzed, and hard to
    be decomposed under ordinary light and heat conditions. Its acid/alkali and chlorine oxidation
    tolerance are better than that of other organophosphorus acids (salt). HEDP can react with
    metal ions in water system to form hexa-element chelating complex, with calcium ion in
    particular. Therefore, HEDP has good antiscale and visible threshold effects. When built
    together with other water treatment chemicals, it shows good synergistic effects

    USE :The solid state of HEDP is crystal powder, suitable for usage in winter and freezing districts.
    Because of its high purity, it can be used as cleaning agent in electronic fields and as additives
    in daily chemicals.

    PACKING :Packed in 25kg, 250 kg plastic drum, or 1250kg IBC.

    Copyright(C)2019 , Jinan Shijitongda Chemical Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved.  Supported by  ChemNet  ChinaChemNet Toocle Copyright Notice
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