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     Caustic soda flake 

    Caustic soda flake

    96%.99% Domestic 25kg/bag
    Alias Sodium hydroxide; Caustic soda; lye, caustic; sodium hydrate
    Caustic soda flake is basic chemical raw material. Widely used in papermaking, synthetic detergent, soap, viscose, rayon, cotton fabric and other textile industries, pesticide, dye, rubber, chemical industry, oil drilling, refined petroleum oils and fats, tar refining, national defense, machinery industry, wood processing, metallurgical industry, pharmaceutical industry and urban construction, etc. It is also used in the manufacture of chemical products, paper, soap, detergent, rayon and cellophane, the processing of bauxite alumina, and the mercerising and water treatment of textiles.
    CAS No.: 1310-73-2
    Physical and chemical properties
    The pure product is colorless transparent crystal, relative density 2.130. Melting point 318.4 οC. Boiling point 1390 οC.

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