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     Tert-butyl methyl ether 

    Tert-butyl methyl ether

    Shandong Tert-butyl methyl ether   Tert-butyl methyl ether price quotations Tert-butyl methyl ether production unit 98% Domestic 150kg/drum

    Abbreviation: MTBE(methyl tert-butyl ether)
    Melting point: -109οC,
    Boiling point: 55.2οC, specific gravity: 0.74.
    Chemical formula: C5H12O   
    Molar mass: 88.15 g/mol   
    CAS No.: 1634-04-4   
    Density (kg/m3, 20οC): 740.6   
    Melting point: -109οC,   
    Boiling point: 55.2οC   
    Flash point: -10οC   
    Critical temperature (οC): 223.9   
    Specific heat capacity (οC): 2.135
      Colorless, transparent, high-octane liquid with ether-like odor. It is an ideal blending component in the production of lead free, high octane and oxygenated gasoline. MTBE is also an important chemical raw material, such as the preparation of high purity isobutylene by splitting. Can also be re-splitting to isobutene as the raw material of rubber and other chemical products.

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