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    Industrial grade Cyclohexanone CyclohexanoneProfessional sales of   Shandong Cyclohexanone Jinan Shijitongda Cyclohexanone

    99.5% Domestic 190kg/drum
    Molecular formula: C6H10O   
    Molecular weight: 98.14
    CAS No.: 108-94-1  
    Melting point (οC): -45   
    Relative density (water=1): 0.95   
    Boiling point (οC): 155.6   
    Relative vapor density (air=1): 3.38
    Appearance and properties: Colorless or light yellow transparent liquid with a strong irritating odor.
    Use: Cyclohexanone is an important chemical raw material, the main intermediate in the production of nylon, caprolactam and adipic acid, and an important industrial solvent, such as the use in paint, especially for those paints containing nitrocellulose, vinyl chloride polymer and other copolymers or methacrylate polymer, etc. Excellent solvent for organophosphorus pesticide and other similar pesticides and dyes. Used as viscous solvent of piston aviation lubricant and the solvent of grease, wax and rubber. Used can be used as the levelling agent of dyeing and deading silk, degreasing agent to polish metal, wood staining paint, and can be used in stripping, decontamination and de-spot. Cyclohexanone can be used to produce 2-(1-cyclohexenyl)ethylamine [3399-73-3] which is the intermediate of drugs.

    Copyright(C)2019 , Jinan Shijitongda Chemical Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved.  Supported by  ChemNet  ChinaChemNet Toocle Copyright Notice
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