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     Dimethyl sulfoxide 

    Dimethyl sulfoxide

    Factory outlets Dimethyl sulfoxide Large scale wholesale of Dimethyl sulfoxide Professional production of Dimethyl sulfoxide  Shandong Dimethyl sulfoxide

    99.5% Liaoning 230kg/drum
    Product name: Dimethyl sulfoxide, DMSO  
    Simple structure: (CH3)2-S-O   
    Product name: Dimethyl sulfoxide   
    Alias: Methyl sulfoxide; Sulfinylbis (methane); DMSO; Me2SO    
    Molecular formula: C2H6OS   
    Molecular weight: 78.12   
    CAS No.: 67-68-5
    1. Properties: Colorless viscous transparent oily liquid or crystal. Weak alkaline, almost odorless, slight bitter taste.   
    2. Density (g/mL, and 20/4οC): 1.100   
    3. Relative vapor density (g/mL, air=1): 2.7   
    4. Melting point (οC): 18.45   
    5. Boiling point (οC, atmospheric pressure): 189   
    6. Refractive index (25οC): 1.4795   
    7. Viscosity (mPa·s,25οC): 1.1   
    8. Flash point (οC, open cup): 95   
    9. Ignition point (οC): 300~302   
    10.Heat of vaporization (KJ/mol, and 25οC): 52.92   
    11.Heat of fusion (KJ/mol): 13.94
    DMSO is used as extraction solvent in aromatic extraction.

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