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    Professional production of Formaldehyde Factory outlets Formaldehyde  Shandong Formaldehyde Jinan Shijitongda Formaldehyde

    〉=36% Domestic 210kg/drum
    Alias: Formaldehyde
    Alias: 35~40% Formaldehyde aqueous solution)
    Alias: Formalin; Methanal
    Chemical formula: CH2O, HCHO
    Simple structure: HCHO
    Molecular weight: 30.03
    CAS No.: 50-00-0
    pH 2.8~4.0. Relative density (d2525)1.081~1.085. Melting point -118οC,Boiling point -19.5οC. Refractive index(n20D)1.3746. Flash point 60οC. Flammable.
      Formaldehyde is widely used chemical product with simple production process and adequate supply of raw materials. In addition to disinfection, sterilization and preservative, formaldehyde is mainly used in organic synthesis, synthetic material, coating, rubber, pesticide and other industries. Its derivatives include paraformaldehyde, POM, phenolic resin, urea formaldehyde resin, amino resin, urotropines and polyols, etc. The developed wood-based pannel industry has a great demand of formaldehyde.
      Formaldehyde has wide application range in synthetic resin, surfactant, plastic, rubber, leather, papermaking, dye, pharmaceutical, pesticide and photographic film.

    Copyright(C)2019 , Jinan Shijitongda Chemical Co.,Ltd. All Rights Reserved.  Supported by  ChemNet  ChinaChemNet Toocle Copyright Notice
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