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     Glacial acetic acid 

    Glacial acetic acid

    Food grade Glacial acetic acid Large scale sales of high quality Glacial acetic acid Glacial acetic acid general agent Shandong Glacial acetic acid

    99.9% Jilin Chemical 200kg/drum
    CAS No.: 64-19-7
    Relative density (water=1): 1.050 Freezing point (οC): 16.7   
    Boiling point (οC): 118.3 Viscosity (mPa.s): 1.22(20οC)   
    Vapor pressure(KPa) at 20οC: 1.5   
    Appearance and odor: Colorless liquid with a pungent smell of vinegar.
    Widely found in nature. It is a kind of organic compound and a typical fatty acid. It is recognized as the source of the sour taste and pungent smell of vinegar. In the family, it is often used as detergent. In food industry, it is in food additive list E260. Acetic acid is a prescribed acidity regulator.

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