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    EDTA-2Na  EDTA sodium salt Domestic EDTA   EDTA general agent EDTA price

    Various models Shandong 25kg/drum 22000
    Product name: Ethylene Diamine Tetraacetic Acid
    Abbreviation: EDTA
    CAS No.: 60-00-4
    Molecular weight: 292.248
    Molecular formula: C10H16N2O8
    White powder, soluble in sodium hydroxide, sodium carbonate and ammonia solution, soluble in 160 parts boiling water, slightly soluble in cold water, insoluble in alcohol and general organic solvents.
    Physical parameters
    Melting point: 250οC
    An important complexing agent. EDTA has wide application scope. It can be used as bleach fixer, dyeing auxiliary and fiber processing auxiliary in the processing of color photographic materials, cosmetic additive, blood anticoagulant, detergent, stabilizer, synthetic rubber polymerization initiator. EDTA is a representative chelating agent. It can form water soluble complex with alkali metals, rare earth elements and transition metals. In addition to sodium salt, there is various salts with various functions like ammonium, iron, magnesium, calcium, copper, manganese, zinc, cobalt, aluminum, etc. Besides, EDTA can also be used to excrete harmful radioactive metal rapidly from human body. It is also water treatment agent.

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