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     Methyl methacrylate 

    Methyl methacrylate

    Methyl methacrylate from Shanghai  Shandong general agency of methyl methacrylate
    Professional sales of methyl methacrylate  Jinan Shijitongda methyl methacrylate
    99.5% Domestic 180kg/drum
    CAS No.: 80-62-6
    Product name: Methyl methacrylate
    Alias: MMA; Methacrylic acid methyl ester; 2-Methylacrylic acid methyl ester
    Molecular formula: C5H8O2; CH2C(CH3)COOCH3
    Appearance and properties: Colorless, volatile liquid with strong piquancy
    Molecular weight: 100.12
    Vapor pressure: 5.33kPa/25οC
    Flash point: 10οC
    Melting point: -50οC
    Boiling point: 101οC
    Solubility: Slightly soluble in water, soluble in ethanol, etc.
    Stability: Stable
    Use: PMMA monomer. Used in the manufacture of other resins, plastic, coating, adhesive, lubricant, impregnating compound of wood and cork, penetrant of motor coil, paper polishing agent, printing and dyeing auxiliary and insulating perfusion material.

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